[Tokyo Institute of Piccolo] Piccolo Links/ピッコロ関連リンク

Last modified on 11 May 1999.

Links in English

Piccolo HomePage
Enormous amount of repartore listed here. A good reference for all piccolo players.
The Woodwind Fingering Guide
All fingering of any woodwind instruments, ofcourse including piccolo. Since I haven't had time to read through it carefully, any report on the site is welcomed.
Burkart - Phelan, Inc.
Flute makers who've become independent from Powell flutes. Their piccolos with uniquely cut embouchere hole are excellent.


日本ピッコロ普及協会 on Internet
日本のピッコロヲタクが集うページ。 ピッコロに関する質問はこちらでしてみてはいかがでしょうか?
レッスンに燃えるフルート奏者ワタナベさんがつくる 「燃えよ!笛吹き」の中にあるページ。 Piccolo Players!はたぶん世界初のプロピッコロ奏者リスト。 この人、IDが「DSCH」ですから、相当キてます。

Copyright (C) 1999 Tokyo Institute of Piccolo